The Offer
You committed murder. You are guilty. You are sentenced to die. You stand before the judge. Your sentence is read aloud. The judge is about to administer your sentence. He begins:
“You know you are guilty.”
“Yes, your honor, I stand before this court guilty as charged.”
“In your case,” states the judge, “justice demands death.”
“I understand. I am prepared to die for my sins, your honor.”
The judge drops his head. His voice barely audible, he lifts his eyes and looks directly at you.
“Will you allow someone else to die for you?”
Could you have misunderstood him?
“What did you say?”
“I asked you if you would allow someone to die for you.”
It’s your chance. You must take it! How can you refuse? But, ultimately pride prevails.
“No. I would never allow anyone to do that for me. I could not. I will not, your honor.”
“What if he already did?”
“What do you mean?”
“Last night, my son…” the judge’s voice breaks with emotion. He eventually gathers himself and continues, “Last night…my son…came up here. He offered to pay your debt. I allowed him to give his life for you. He was executed in your place. All I ask is that you accept his death as payment for your sins. Do so, you walk away free with one stipulation. You must sin no more. Insist on dying anyway, I will kill you myself. That would be the greatest insult to me, personally. It would be the ultimate insult to my son.”
A hush falls over the courtroom. Everyone is looking at you. The judge’s tear-filled eyes fix on your face. What will your answer be?
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