Empty Mansion
There are no perfect persons and no perfect relationships. We all struggle. We all must work hard to keep relationships viable. There are no perfect matches. We are merely different persons with different needs and struggles.
Some persons bring wounds from former relationships. They expect the person in their current relationship to “fix” them. They quickly learn the other person is just as wounded as they. This places extra strain on an already difficult situation. Complete healing is only possible through the total forgiveness and rebirth God alone offers.
Some persons are born with low self-esteem and struggle with this issue all their lives. This makes them particularly easy to wound unintentionally. Without the constant love and forgiveness of a perfect God, they rarely feel worthy enough to be loved. With God’s unconditional love and acceptance, they are able to form healthy relationships with other persons.
Some persons are bottomless pits of need. They search all their lives for sufficient love and attention. The love and recognition received one minute dissipates in the next. Only the continual affirmation and constant companionship of God can fill such deep need. Without God, they are doomed to suck every person dry that has contact with them.Some persons are users and abusers. Without God, they simply use up and discard persons like empty containers.
A house that sits empty will quickly fall down when no one is resident to maintain it. We are equally empty and in disrepair without God resident in us and our relationships.