Our Christian Heritage
John Calvin gets credit for our Protestant churches. Over 400 years ago, a call was made for the elimination of the hierarchical system of priests, bishops, and archbishops in favor of having individual congregations elect ministers and set up governing bodies comprised of ministers and church elders. Calvin also urged that services be simplified, eliminating ritual, special clothing for clergy, instrumental music, images and stained-glass windows. He is the one that placed the sermon as the primary focus of institutionalized worship.
These changes were radical in his day. The Catholic Church held prior prominence for nearly 1300 years. Catholicism replaced early Christian communities (and Christ-centered worship in homes). Catholicism emphasized elaborate ceremonies and sumptuous church buildings. Calvin rejected Catholicism and the Church of England because it resembled Catholicism.
New Christians worldwide are expected to readily accept ancient Catholicism or Calvin’s 400 year old Protestant church. New Christians are expected to sit quietly through services organized for men, by men, focused on a message brought by one man, the same man, every Sunday. Some leave stating,
“I can worship better at home.”
Catholic and Protestant church models are not natural for new Christians who were not exposed to traditional churches prior to their conversion. These new Christians find it difficult to accept the "institutionalized church" with it ritual services. They do not desire “church”. They desire “community”. They see quickly that the institutionalized church with its traditional practices are unnatural to Christian community. These Christians desire the presence of Jesus Christ. They desire to be part of a Christian community whose primary focus is discussing Jesus, not discussing topics related to Jesus. These Christians edify one another naturally. They find sermonizing unnatural. These Christians find it difficult to participate in choreographed praise and worship. To them, praise and worship should be spontaneous. These Christians desire to gather with persons they know intimately. They find it unnatural to worship with casual acquaintances! They also find it unnatural to gather and sit quietly. They come together expecting to function! They gather to emphasize all gifts. They would never emphasize one man or one gift to the exclusion of women with gifts!
The institutional church with its traditional worship is foreign to our true Christian heritage.
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