Monday, January 23, 2006

Church-A Family Tradition

I was born into a Christian family with a deep heritage in a particular Christian denomination (though they would call themselves non-denominational). Because of my religious heritage, I had to wade through generations of traditional church teachings from family members who were “big name” preachers and teachers.

When I started studying Scripture for myself, I learned how to properly study and exegete Scripture. This caused me to question many traditional family and church teachings. Instantly, I was labeled a "heretic" for questioning accepted “truths”. I was no longer welcome to teach or preach in my family church. I was also ostracized by certain family members.

This was tough, but I knew that I had to question EVERYTHING or settle for a relationship with Christ merely based in a learned religious “system.” I didn't want that. I desired a "personal" relationship with Christ, not a traditional one.

Over the years, my relationship with my earthly father and family was mended. My family became more open-minded. I became less confrontational. Maybe we all just grew up.

Or, maybe we each began our personal journey to discover "the Christ of Scripture" rather than "the Christ of family and church tradition."

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hyphenated Christians

When did we Christians decide to hyphenate? In Acts 11:26 we read, “The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” Why Antioch? Well, it was one of the early congregations formed of both Jew and Gentile. It pleased God to unite them with a common designation: “Christian”. ("Called”, as it is used here, has a divine connotation.)

The hyphenation of Christianity reared its ugly head decades later in Corinth. Paul chastised this congregation for dividing under labels of men. Were he alive today, I suppose he would also chastise us who call ourselves after good dead men.

Jesus prayed in John 17 that all his disciples become one. He prayed that we be known by our love. Why is love not sufficient? Why do we prefer instead to be known by our doctrinal stances or denominational affiliation?

I can't believe that Jesus is pleased when we dissect his body into hyphenated labels! But, that’s just me. I've always had a distaste for things that divide.

Monday, January 16, 2006

My Unbelief

I have this habit of running ahead of God. He gives me this faint inkling of what he wants to do in my life and I am off to the races to make it happen. It never works out like HE intended because I am not patient enough to wait for him. Eventually, I’m crawling back to him on my knees, bloodied and bleeding, seeking his will once more.

Why is it so hard for me to wait for him to open each door? What makes me so presumptuous to think that I know what is the right thing to do with my life? It has to be lack of faith. I don’t trust him to do what I need him to do when I think I need it! I don’t trust him to give me what I think I need. I don’t trust him.

Father, help me to trust you more. Help me to trust you with every facet of my life, especially my relationships. You have always proved faithful in the past. I don’t know why I doubt you. But, I do.

Lord, I’m sorry. Help my unbelief.

I'm Drunk!

How do I explain this? How can I describe it? I don't have the vocabulary. There are no words. It's like a drunk! I've never been on a drunk. I've never been drunk. How would I know drunk?

But, that has to be what this feels like! I can’t stop laughing and smiling. I laugh and people look at me funny. They say, "That's not funny. Why are you laughing?" It's not me. It's inside. It's like bubbling up.

I didn’t jog this morning. I get a similar "high", slight euphoria, after a good run. But, I didn't run! This is manic! But, I’m not manic! (I’m more depressive! HA!)

I have the same worries and problems I had yesterday! My wife is still gone. She's been gone several days. Down with her Dad. His cancer is back. It's in his lymph system now. Chemo, again. Not good. So sad. I woke up with a headache. The alarm didn’t go off. I’m running late for work. My sinus infection is back, again. Then, I'm driving to work, late, and BOOOMMMM! Inexpressible joy! I’m on the phone with my wife and we are having a ball. We are bursting with laughter, joking. Her Dad is dying. We're laughing like two kids! We're nuts! We've both lost our minds!

We're not nutso. We know nutso. We've been nutso. This is joy. This is indescribable. This is unexplainable. (God, you let me bottle this stuff and we'll make a fortune. No hang over! HA! Sorry God, not exactly a spiritual thought. I'm just SO giddy!)

Thank you, Father. You are faithful. Keep this "drunk" coming! It's SO great. I love being drunk on you! It doesn't matter what others think. It doesn't matter that everyone thinks we've lost our minds.

We're not crazy. God, we're just crazy in love with you!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Offer

You committed murder. You are guilty. You are sentenced to die. You stand before the judge. Your sentence is read aloud. The judge is about to administer your sentence. He begins:

“You know you are guilty.”

“Yes, your honor, I stand before this court guilty as charged.”

“In your case,” states the judge, “justice demands death.”

“I understand. I am prepared to die for my sins, your honor.”

The judge drops his head. His voice barely audible, he lifts his eyes and looks directly at you.

“Will you allow someone else to die for you?”

Could you have misunderstood him?

“What did you say?”

“I asked you if you would allow someone to die for you.”

It’s your chance. You must take it! How can you refuse? But, ultimately pride prevails.

“No. I would never allow anyone to do that for me. I could not. I will not, your honor.”

“What if he already did?”

“What do you mean?”

“Last night, my son…” the judge’s voice breaks with emotion. He eventually gathers himself and continues, “Last night…my son…came up here. He offered to pay your debt. I allowed him to give his life for you. He was executed in your place. All I ask is that you accept his death as payment for your sins. Do so, you walk away free with one stipulation. You must sin no more. Insist on dying anyway, I will kill you myself. That would be the greatest insult to me, personally. It would be the ultimate insult to my son.”

A hush falls over the courtroom. Everyone is looking at you. The judge’s tear-filled eyes fix on your face. What will your answer be?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Love God, Hate The Church?

Some persons say that they love God, but hate the church. I understand what they are saying. They are usually speaking of a particular Christian denomination or formal (liturgical or organized) worship service.

Jesus certainly did not die to establish a denomination. He died to establish HIS called-out people, his church. As believers, we first belong to Christ. Then, we have the option of joining a particular denomination or not. Regardless, we are all added to Christ’s body when we receive the “birth from above”. One cannot claim to be a Christian and likewise hate the body of Christ, the church of Christ. Christ would not look favorably upon someone who hated his bride. Besides, it would actually be a form of self-hatred.

As members of Christ’s church, we meet regularly with other local believers. We eagerly desire the company of our spiritual brothers and sisters. We prepare to participate weekly in collective worship, for mutual edification. To do so, does not require an edifice with a denominational name. It merely requires regular assemblies where truth-speaking is given preference, God is given praise, and all members receive encouragement.

If this isn’t happening where you presently assemble, consider hosting your own meeting next Sunday in your home, or after hours at a local coffee shop. It matters not to God WHERE you assemble. It matters to God THAT you assemble regularly to worship.