Monday, May 01, 2006

No Clergy! No Popes! No New Apostles!

There is NO clergy-laity distinction in Christ’s Body! Jesus condemned distinguishing titles among his followers. He BLASTED the religious elitism of his day! The biblical role of pastors/elders/leaders is always plural and accountable to the local congregation they lead. Elders are a natural carry-over from Judaism to Christianity. There is always a need for God-like, mature leaders who guide and mentor. But, this is far from the special class MAN sets up to “administer, manipulate and control” all things religious.

Biblical overseers serve the local body of believers as shepherds, leaders, guides, not cattle drivers. In Texas, we know the difference. These leaders NEVER assume a "position" in the local congregation! They would never attempt to supplant the original foundation of the first (and only) apostles the church needed, as does the Mormon LDS Church!

Once the foundation of apostolic authority was laid in the first century it needed none other to be laid! Apostolic succession (of authority) in the church is spurious and unbiblical! Every Christian today is added to that same spiritual building with that same spiritual foundation of that same original apostles and that same original teachings, Jesus Christ is STILL the chief cornerstone, if you truly belong to Christ! Otherwise, you simply belong to a religious organization! See Ephesians.

In Christ's true church, every member has equal access to our Head...Christ! Every member is a priest (ergo Revelation 1, “a Kingdom of Priests") and each member has equal access to God as a priest through Jesus Christ, the one and only High Priest! We need none other to intercede for us, not Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Elders, Deacons, Pastors, Ministers, or Clergy of any stripe!

There is no additional need for authority or teachings other than the original. The Spirit is in charge of the Church until Christ comes back! We need no person over us than the Spirit whom Christ sent to administer things religious in this age of grace! There is no need for additional doctrines or new doctrines (to replace the original teachings).

The clergy-laity distinction is an invention of men! Christian clergy are spurious and without biblical precedent or authority.

I beg you with the love of the Lord to discard your titles that divide us! I beg you to relinquish your ungodly authority! I ask you to return all authority to Jesus Christ and to follow His Spirit alone, not men. See Romans 8. All clergy should set God's people free! Clergy should renounce their ungodly position of ungodly power and ungodly influence.

Those of you in the denominational churches, cast off the chain of command that your popes, bishops and pastors have used to imprison you. Answer to Christ alone! Come back under His sole authority, His teachings, and His leadership. Come back under His plain teachings, God-given authority, and qualified leadership of the original Twelve Apostles through their historic teachings in the New Testament.

In Christ's church, we have no need of a Pope, Pastor or Clergyman. We are the Bride of Christ. We are under the Lordship, Leadership, and Headship of our Lord and Master, Jesus and His Holy Spirit.

I encourage you to gather with your fellow believers to edify one another and glorify God. Leave room for the full exercise of all the servants with their unique spiritual, be they gifts of administration, gifts of teaching or gifts of leadership.

Drop the spiritual elitism, remove the clerical robes and funny-looking collars. Surrender your unbiblical authority. Then, the criticism of you and others like you will dissipate. Christ Himself forbade such distinguishing titles and religious clothing!

In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor freeman, and there is also neither clergy nor laity. We are all one in Christ without distinguishing titles in Christ’s Kingdom.

Jesus said it best:
“All authority is given unto me in heaven and on earth.”

Come Lord Jesus!


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